8月26日〜28日 国際教育夏季研究大会2019開催報告 Summer Institute on International Education, Japan (SIIEJ)



今年で2回目となるSIIEJ2019(国際教育夏季研究大会)は、南山大学で8月26日から3日間開催され、米国、中国、韓国からのゲストを含め、主として大学で国際教育を担当する教職員220名の参加を得て、大きな成果をあげた。今年の大会テーマは「国際教育におけるプロフェッショナリズムを考える」で、多様な国際教育プログラムの運営に対応する専門性と人材育成に関して意見交換をおこなった。Darla Deardorff氏(AIEA事務局長)による基調講演に加え、2つのパネルディスカッション、2分科会、4ワークショップ、10のセッションを行ったほか、活気あるネットワーキングの機会が提供された。初日の全体会合、基調講演、パネルは同時通訳つきで実施されたほか、約30%のセッションが英語で実施された。

Over 220 international educators attended the second annual SIIEJ in August 2019!

Under the theme of “Professionalism in International Education,” the second annual Summer Institute on International Education, Japan successfully concluded on 28 August 2019. Over 220 participants, including Japanese university faculty and staff members, international education organizations, and guests and attendees from the United States, China, and South Korea gathered together at Nanzan University to discuss personnel development and program planning and management in various areas of international education. Dr. Darla Deardorff, Executive Director of AIEA, gave the keynote speech which was followed by two panel discussions conducted by the leading experts of international education in Japan. Throughout the three days of the conference, there were two seminars, four workshops, and ten sessions as well as active networking opportunities. The SIIEJ Conference is open to anyone interested in attending. Japanese/English simultaneous translation was provided for the opening remarks, keynote speech, and panel discussions, and about one-third of the sessions were conducted in English.
Please come and join us at the next SIIEJ in Osaka, Japan on September 2-4 in 2020! We look forward to welcoming more international educators and interested people from overseas attend the SIIEJ Conference. For more information: (http://recsie.or.jp/2019summer/)

国際教育夏季研究大会2019 参加者の声 Participants’ Voices from SIIEJ 2019

Through the keynote speech and pair work activities led by Dr. Darla Deardorff, I was able to deepen my thoughts about utilizing research and theories in the practice of international education. The strategies for ‘scholar-practitioners’ were also insightful.

In Workshop A, through the informative lecture and practical group work on ‘intercultural co-learning,’ I was able to deepen my understanding of this topic regarding both the possibilities and challenges.

Session 1 was helpful in refreshing my knowledge on the purposes, strategies, and evaluation methods of the university internationalization. It was also meaningful for reconsidering the professional practices of international education staff.

SIIEJ 2019 全体スケジュール


For more details about SIIEJ2019, please check our website at http://recsie.or.jp/2019summer/

主催:一般社団法人 国際教育研究コンソーシアム (RECSIE)
Organizer: Research Consortium for the Sustainable Promotion of International Education (RECSIE)

一般社団法人 国際教育研究コンソーシアム (RECSIE)

Research Consortium for the Sustainable Promotion of International Education (RECSIE)