Seminar II「交換留学におけるコンソーシアムの役割」


芦沢真五(東洋大学国際学部 教授/UMAP 国際事務局長)
John LUCAS(President and CEO, International Student Exchange Programs (ISEP))
Angie LEE(Hanyang University)


 この分科会Ⅱでは、コンソーシアムによる学生交流の意義、効果、メリットなどについて、二つのコンソーシアムの実践例から学ぶことを目的に情報提供をおこなった。UMAP (University Mobility in Asia and the Pacific) 国際事務局次長の芦沢真五氏(東洋大学教授)と ISEP (International Student Exchange Programs)のCEOであるJohn Lucas氏(ビデオでの説明)の2名が、それぞれの組織の成り立ちや特徴を説明した。メンバーシップ型学生交流コンソーシアムに参加すると、大学は個々の大学間協定を締結・管理しなくても、ネットワーク内の大学に学生を送り出すことができることが大きなメリットである。ISEPは北米、南米、欧州、アフリカに幅広いネットワークを持っていることが特徴である。また、UMAPは加盟国の政府機関の協力を得ており、政府奨学金が支給される(台湾および日本)こと、個別大学の参加費が課金されないこと、などがメリットになっている。この二つのネットワークに加入している韓国のHanyang UniversityのAngie Lee氏からは、777を超える個別協定校に加えて、UMAP,ISEPを含めた多様なコンソーシアムとの提携を活かして学生交流に参加してきた経緯と成果について、具体的な説明が行われた。

Seminar II “Role of Consortia in International Education Exchange”
John LUCAS (President and CEO, International Student Exchange Programs (ISEP)) /
Shingo ASHIZAWA (Professor, Faculty of Global and Regional Studies, Toyo University) /
Angie LEE (Hanyang University)

Facilitator’s Impressions

Multilateral student exchange has expanded over the last three decades through the creation of university consortia and networks. Based on case studies of UMAP (University Mobility in Asia and the Pacific) and ISEP (International Student Exchange Programs), in this session, presenters described the ways in which multilateral student exchange models can advance the objectives of diversity and experiential learning. Consortia allow members to pool resources, overcome barriers of access to mobility programs, and increase the diversity of stakeholders involved in mobility.

There are various types of consortia: regional university networks, academic discipline-based consortia, closed membership organizations, and open membership consortia. Most consortia are based on a reciprocal exchange model and the principle of resource-sharing. John Lucas of ISEP and Shingo Ashizawa of UMAP described how each type of consortia is beneficial for different kinds of universities. While some consortia target certain geographic regions, academic areas, levels of study, scholarships or government sponsorship, both ISEP and UMAP are more comprehensive with an open membership policy.

UMAP is supported by a number of Asian governments and students on UMAP programs have a good chance of receiving government scholarships, particularly from the governments of Japan and Taiwan. ISEP is an independent non-profit organization in the U.S. and has strong a network in North America, Latin America, Europe and Africa.

The third presenter, Angie Lee of Hangyang University talked about how her university utilizes both consortia effectively. Hangyang University collaborates with various other consortia in addition to UMAP and ISEP, and actively engages more than 777 bilateral partnerships. The different types of consortia play complementary roles. Therefore, university stakeholders consider the type of consortia they wish to join based on the specific needs and strategic plans of their institution.