Session 9:「事故発生と大学危機管理対応―事例と今後への対応」| “How Universities Handle Accidents in Overseas Countries as the Organiser”

上野 明彦(特定非営利活動法人 海外留学生安全対策協議会(JCSOS))
セッション9では、「事故発生と大学危機管理対応―事例と今後への対応」と題し、コロナウイルスの世界的な感染拡大という未曽有の出来事の中で、今後の海外派遣留学の危機管理について受講者と共に考えた。このセッションでは、学校教職員を対象にしたアンケートで危機管理体制の現状を把握すると同時に大阪女学院大学・短期大学 事務局長 浅田晋太郎様、帝塚山学院大学国際交流センター 藤井悠様の2名の方に両大学の危機管理の取組について発表して頂いた。
はじめに大阪女学院大学・短期大学 浅田様から、危機に即応できる体制を維持するための取り組みについて発表して頂いた。特筆すべき点は、「国際交流センター」と連携した「危機管理室」が事務局長以下常設されており、危機発生時には学長を対策本部長とした「緊急対策本部」に移行できる体制を構築していることだ。また定期的に危機管理マニュアルを更新し、危機管理に関わる主な担当者に危機発生時に必要な情報をまとめた冊子を配布し、常日頃から危機に備えている。加えて、教職員向け事前研修等を定期的に実施し、学校全体で実践を想定した準備をしていることも見逃せない点である。
次に帝塚山学院大学 藤井様からは、コロナ禍で派遣先から学生を帰国させた事例を発表して頂いた。注目すべきは、担当者を限定して少人数で対応したことである。そのため、情報共有や意思決定が短時間で行われ、絶妙なタイミングで派遣先から学生を無事に帰国させることができた。これは数年前から継続して危機管理意識の共有に努める等、日常的な小さな積み重ねが生かされた良い例だと考える。

Akihiko Ueno (JCSOS) 
Shintaro Asada (Osaka Jogakuin University/College)
Yu Fujii (Tezukayama Gakuin University)

Comments from the instructor
The session 9: “How Universities Handle Accidents in Overseas Countries as the Organizer” discussed the Risk Management for Study Abroad programmes during the COVID-19 pandemic. Before the discussion started, I gave a questionnaire to faculty and administrative staff at the session, to understand Risk Management trends. Then, I invited Mr. Asada from Osaka Jogakuin University/College and Ms. Fujii from Tezukayama University to share their recent work on Risk Management for Study Abroad programmes.


*Mr. Asada Osaka Jogakuin University/College (OJU)
Mr. Asada talked about how to organise their Risk Management structure so that it could respond promptly to unpredicted crises. There are two parallels permanent teams, the Centre for International Affairs and the Risk Management Office under the Administrative Director to keep an eye on Study Abroad programmes, and both teams maintain close contact with each other. Then, when a crisis occurs, the Risk Management Office turns into an Emergency Response headquarters which is led by the president. OJU is not only building up a Risk Management structure, but they also hand out the updated Risk Management manual at least once a year, for Risk Management team members to use on a daily basis. Also, OJU provides practical training for all faculties and administrative staff to familiarize themselves with OJU’s agreed Risk Management policy.

*Ms. Fujii from Tezukayama Gakuin University (TGU)
Ms. Fujii discussed an emergency evacuation case study which involved students returning to Japan during the Covid-19 pandemic. What you should pay attention to is that a limited number of members dealt with this case. This made it possible to share information and make decisions quickly. Because of that, TGU were able to bring back their students from South Korea at the most suitable time. This is a good example of TGU’s policy of sharing Risk Management ideas and carrying out Risk Management practical training over the several years, bearing fruit.

The two Universities have similarities in terms of arranging a Risk Management structure. They emphasise the importance of familiarizing staff with the Risk Management policy at the university and of advance preparation. Hence, both institutions could deal with the case smoothly during the unprecedented global pandemic. The questionnaire informed us that most universities have enriched the student’s support system. On the other hand, it raised some issues about Risk Management structure in Japanese universities such as the need for advanced training for faculties and administrative staff and the need to disseminate Risk Management policy within schools. I believe that the two universities, OJU and TGU, by their example provided the answer to the problem of Risk Management for members of the session.
Finally, I should like to thank Mr. Asada and Ms. Fuji for finding the time in their busy schedule to join the session.