堀江未来(立命館大学 国際教育推進機構 教授)
星野晶成(名古屋大学 国際教育交流センター 講師)
川平英里(立教大学 グローバル教育センター 教育研究コーディネーター)
和田いづみ(立命館大学大学院 言語教育情報研究科)
Workshop C “Creating learning environments through intercultural experiences: planning and running study abroad programs”
Miki HORIE (Professor, Ritsumeikan University) /
Akinari HOSHINO (Associate Professor, Nagoya University)/
Eri KABIRA (Education & Research Coordinator, Rikkyo University)
Comments from a participant
Izumi WADA (Ritsumeikan University)
I am a graduate student currently studying Language Education in a Master’s course. I decided to participate in this workshop because I am interested in working in the field of intercultural exchange and intercultural understanding. As I did not have any prior knowledge and experiences related to this academic field, I was nervous and anxious about attending this workshop. However, this 6-hour workshop went by so fast. Rather, I hoped to stay longer to learn more.
One of the activities that left an impression on me was the one where we reflected on our own intercultural experiences and considered key ideas for personal growth. We created an object with some colored clay. After finishing making the objects, we shared our creations with the group members and I found that not a single object was the same, each object was so unique. What I learned through this activity is that what each person experiences, feels, and acquires from “intercultural experiences” is totally diverse and different. Also, it was fruitful to realize what I would like to share with my future students. In the future, I want to share with my students what I’ve learned about “the key to growth” through intercultural exchange activities.
What was also impressive for me was something that Dr. Horie mentioned in the workshop. She said, “I always ask myself whether I am obtaining the skills and knowledge that I expect my students to have.” This made me realize it is necessary for the practitioners of intercultural education to be aware of their own attitudes since they are always changing and cannot be consistent. I learned in the activity how important it is for those who teach the field to be conscious of how they perceive their own culture and how much they develop their own intercultural sensitivity.
In addition, I had a fun and fruitful time with my team members in the study abroad programming session. Because I am interested in the field that my team members are engaging with, it was a great opportunity to be able to hear and learn what kind of study abroad programs they are carrying out and their thoughts when planning those programs. Hearing those cases motivated me a lot. It also helped me understand what they think is important and what kind of principles they uphold in their jobs.
Overall, by participating in the workshop, I could clarify my previously vague thoughts. Thanks to the workshop, I became aware of the importance of intercultural education and of my own faith in the field.
I would like to thank all the staff members for preparing this event and team members for sharing their thoughts and opinions. I will apply what I could learn in my next step.