Federico LING (The Washington Center)/
Jung Ran LIM (The Washington Center)/
Guadalupe CRUZ (Government of the
State of Guanajuato in Mexico)
Facilitator’s Impressions
In today’s world, students and young leaders demand resources to develop an understanding of the global and executive competencies that are essential to succeed in the workforce and recognize the correlation between those competencies and upward career mobility.
At the SIIEJ 2019 conference, our team from The Washington Center discussed the current human resource needs and skills gap in the world labor force. We identified that it is imperative to create global internships and career readiness programs for students from around the world to gain the skills, experience and expertise they need to succeed in a competitive international labor market.
We stated that young professionals need to incorporate the skills and tools learned through interactive workshops and hands-on training in real-world environments—internships—and understand how their on-the-job training impacts their work performance. Further, we believe that colleges, universities and higher education institutions need to provide the right tools and guidance to build a strong Career Strategy Plan to direct their students’ career trajectory.
We stressed that higher education institutions and universities must understand, that in order to be competitive and to attract top students, they need to provide a university to career pipeline and professional development opportunities (global skillset). Global workforce trends demand faculty leaders build market-responsive programs that enhance, sharpen and direct specific pre-professional training tailored to each student’s needs and career aspirations. Institutions should identify economic and employment hubs, and create partnerships with growth companies, that will allow students to access the workforce within these clusters.
We concluded our presentation by again stressing that competitive companies need smart, talented human resource capital and that students need practical workforce experience to be successful. At the end of each presentation, we responded to some excellent and probing questions from our colleagues in the audience.
TWC was honored to participate in the forum and looks forward the 2020 edition to engage in further discussion on this important topic.
組織、高等教育機関及び大学は、顧客とパートナーを優先する倫理基準に従い、行動しなければならない。地元と地域の人口構成を理解し、大学の専攻/学位と企業が労働力に求めているスキルをマッチングするキャリア形成に集中するために大学と雇用のパイプラインを形成する方法を評価できるよう、同じ目的を持つ企業と連携している。最近の傾向では、指導者たちに各学生のニーズとキャリア志向に合わせた特別な予備専門トレーニングを強化・特化して指導することが求められている。 高等教育機関は、競争的で優秀な学生をひきつけるためには、キャリア・パイプライン(企業と学生をつなぐ)と専門的な能力開発(グローバル・スキルセット)の機会を提供する必要がある事を理解している。経済や雇用の中心を特定し、成長企業との提携を確立することは、学生がそうした集団への雇用にアクセス可能となることを意味する。企業はスマートで優秀な人的資本を必要とし、学生は、実務経験を必要としているのだ。