Darla DEARDORFF(AIEA事務局長/米国・デューク大学)
新見有紀子(東北大学 グローバルラーニングセンター)
本セッションでは、様々なアクティビティを通じて、異文化間能力に関して理解を深める機会を得た。例えば、アイスブレーキングのアクティビティでは、自分を特徴付けるキーワードを用いた自己紹介を行うことによって、誰しもが複数のアイデンティティを持っており、外面的に理解できることと、外からは見えにくい内面的なものが含まれていることを体験的に理解することができた。加えて、Cross-cultural Competencyという概念の具体的な理解を深めるためのアクティビティも体験することができた。
最後に、「UNESCOメソドロジー」というアクティビティを通じて、Cross-cultural Competencyの主要な能力である「Listening for Understanding」のスキルを実践しながら学ぶことができた。本セッションでは、幾つかのアクティビティを体験できたことも有益だったが、講師のDeardorffさんのファシリテーションを受けることにより、効果的な学びを促すファシリテーターのあり方を考えることができたことも収穫の一つであった。
Session 10: Tools for Developing Intercultural Competence
Darla DEARDORFF (Executive Director of AIEA/ Duke University)
Comments from a participant
Yukiko Shimmi (Tohoku University)
In this session, I was able to deepen my understanding of cross-cultural competency through various activities.
For example, at the beginning of the session, participants took part in a self-introduction activity in which they used several keywords to explain their personal backgrounds or characteristics. Through this activity, I was able to understand experientially that everyone has multiple characteristics and identities, including observable and non-observable ones.
Next, the participants completed an activity for deepening their understandings of the concept of cross-cultural competency. In this activity, the participants were asked to explain the characteristics of a person who has various connections with people from different backgrounds. Then, the participants formed several groups and discussed commonalities of the characteristics, these were concrete examples of cross-cultural competency.
At the end of the session, the participants used a UNESCO methodology for understanding one of the skills of cross-cultural competency: listening for understanding.
In session 10, it was not only useful to learn about and experience several activities for understanding cross-cultural competence, but also to think about methods of facilitation for promoting effective learning by observing Prof. Deardorff’s facilitation.