Session 9 “The Changing Paradigm of International Education Outcomes Assessment”


Darla DEARDORFF (Executive Director of AIEA/ Duke University)

Comments from a participant
Annette BRADFORD (Meiji University)

Session 9, “The Changing Paradigm of International Education Outcomes Assessment” presented by Darla Deardorff was a busy session with 27 participants engaging in lively discussions.

It began with introductions where participants shared their interests in and concerns about assessment. These ranged from wanting to know how and how often to assess intercultural competence after study abroad or COIL projects, to how to report student outcomes to university management and potential employers.

After presenting information about myths surrounding assessment, Dr. Deardorff asked participants to discuss what they thought student success should look like and to brainstorm what is currently being done to assess international education outcomes.

The participants learned about the ways that assessment is currently changing to become more learner-centered and authentic. Then, Dr. Deardorff encouraged the group to think about why student outcomes assessment is needed before thinking about how it should be done.

The session ended with small-group discussions about concrete steps that each participant could implement in their own contexts.

Darla DEARDORFF(AIEA事務局長/米国・デューク大学)

Annette BRADFORD(明治大学)

 水曜朝に開催されたDr. Darla Deardorff氏による“The Changing Paradigm of International Education Outcomes Assessment”は、27人の参加者が活発な議論をするセッションとなった。