Session 5「国際寮の拡充に向けた協働体制づくり―その可能性とチャレンジ―」


阿部仁(一橋大学 国際教育交流センター長 准教授)
植松希世子(横浜国立大学 国際推進機構 特任助教)



Session 5 “Implementation of integrated residence halls in Japan: Its potentials and challenges”
Jin ABE (Associate Professor and Director, Center of Global Education and Exchange, Hitotsubashi University) /
Kiyoko UEMATSU (Specially Appointed Assistant Professor, International Strategy Organization, Yokohama National University)

Facilitator’s Impressions

With the globalization of Japanese higher education in full swing, the need to house an ever diversifying and increasing international student population is not only imminent for the universities but also a key strategic component of enhancing global educational experiences for all students on campus.

In Japan, the implementation of internationally-integrated residence halls is still in its infancy. Units dedicated to housing operations hardly exist, and when they do, they are understaffed. With this as a background, 25 administrative staff and faculty members who are involved/interested in the operation of integrated residence halls participated in this 90-minute session.

Since all universities have different structures, resources, needs and environments, no two international residence halls will be operating in the same manner. Thus, rather than focusing on the operational details of developing integrated residence halls, the main learning objective of this session was to recognize the importance of clarifying value, purpose, and vision, from which each institution shall determine how and what needs to be implemented.

In the first half of the session, the presenters used a case study of Hitotsubashi University’s residence halls to demonstrate their vision of “cultivating student-driven engagement.” Out of this vision came the current operational structure in which a student staff member manages an annual budget of over 15 million yen to facilitate interactions within the international residence halls.

Realizing that the visions are at the basis of developing the operational design, the participants engaged in a group exercise to craft a vision statement to clarify the purpose of having international residence halls from the perspectives of 1) student housing staff members, 2) the housing administrative unit, and 3) faculty members in charge of residence halls.

As workshop participants return to their respective campuses, we trust that their vision will lead them to the right path in developing integrated residence halls that will enhance student engagement and education.