Session 1「国際かは誰のために、何のために進められるのか?―国際化評価指標から考える―」


太田浩(一橋大学全学共通教育センター 教授)
渡部由紀(東北大学グローバルラーニングセンター 准教授)

梅津勇太(桜美林大学 学務部新宿キャンパス事務室)


Session 1: Internationalization: Why and for Whom? Revisiting Internationalization with Indicators for Evaluation

Hiroshi OTA (Professor, Center for General Education, Hitotsubashi University)
Yuki WATABE (Associate Professor, Global Learning Center, Tohoku University)

Comments from a Participant
Yuta Umezu (Shinjuku office, J. F. Oberlin University)

Internationalization is becoming a key component of university management and I had been wondering how our “internationalization” policy looked compared to other universities in Japan and overseas, and if it was on the right track or not. I participated in this session because I wanted to get some insights into these questions.

During the session, I learned a variety of things, ranging from the definitions of internationalization and globalization, to their purposes and strategies for achieving them at universities around the world, and to their assessment. While pressed by daily work, I tend to forget the KPI mission at work and at our university, but this session reminded me of the importance of these indicators and goals. Exchanging ideas with participants from other universities was a valuable experience for me. I can now take tons of new knowledge back to workplace as a “souvenir”, particularly the remarks made by speakers which are not written down.

I could acquire and develop my knowledge in this session, and I reconfirmed performance indicators as an international educator. Thank you very much, I had a meaningful time.