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REPORT on Series VII: Possible remedies – student mobility in Asia and the Pacific during Covid-19 pandemic

REPORT on Series VI: How are international partnerships affected by Covid-19?

REPORT on Series V: Covid-19 and Paradigm Shift of International Education

【第4回】コロナ禍と地球市民教育の課題 <報告> REPORT on Series IV : The Covid-19 pandemic and an agenda for global citizenship education

【第3回】国際教育のスピリットを取り込もう!Virtual Exchange(COIL)を超短期間ででも取り込む手法ワークショップ<報告> REPORT on Series III : Workshop on how to organize virtual exchange program “now” – An introductory session of Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) method

【第2回】外国語教育を遠隔で配信/教授するための教職員向けワークショップ <報告>REPORT on Series II : Workshop on the methods and resources to deliver online/remote foreign language classes

【第1回】コロナ禍における外国人留学生の現状 <報告> REPORT on Series I : International students and the Covid-19 pandemic

【第4回】緊急ウェビナー・シリーズ「新型コロナ禍と国際教育」 Special Webinar Series: “What can we do? International education during the Covid-19 pandemic”

緊急ウェビナー・シリーズ「新型コロナ禍と国際教育」 Special Webinar Series: “What can we do? International education during the Covid-19 pandemic”