Workshop Description ワークショップ一覧(日本語)はこちら

Workshop A <in Japanese>

Designing Curriculum Internationalization and Intercultural Collaborative Learning Through Practice

Field カリキュラムの国際化と国際共修
Instructors Kazuko SUEMATSU (Professor, Institute for Excellence in Higher Education, Tohoku University)
Keiko KITADE (Professor, College of Letters, Ritsumeikan University)
Yukako YONEZAWA (Associate Professor, Tohoku University)
Mina MIZUMATSU (Assistant Professor, Institute for Excellence in Higher Education, Tohoku University)
Session Abstract このセッションは様々な立場で国際教育・異文化交流に携わる方や、この分野での活躍を目指す方を対象にし、異文化接触を通じて学生が成長するとはどういうことか、理論と実践の両側面から検討します。


Workshop B <in English>

EMI (English as Medium of Instruction)
Training for COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning)

Field Teacher Training / Innovative Pedagogy
Instructors Keiko IKEDA (Vice-Director, Institute for Innovative Global Education, Kansai University)
Don BYSOUTH (Associate Professor, Institute for Innovative Global Education, Kansai University)
Session Abstract The workshop will introduce Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) as a way to tackle the challenge of EMI-bound faculty development.
COIL is a pedagogy which does not necessarily require English to be its medium of communication. However, in many of the courses that have been carried out, English has been used to either coordinate and plan for the COIL course, or to have the participating students to use English to communicate and collaborate among the global peers.
Based on the past experiences in training for COIL projects at the instructors’ affiliated university and its network, we have learned that English language training which is customized for COIL projects is on high demand by the local teachers.


Workshop C <in Japanese>

Creating learning environments through intercultural experiences: planning and running study abroad programs

Field 異文化理解
Instructors BRIDGE Institute
Miki HORIE (Professor, Ritsumeikan University)
Akinari HOSHINO (Associate Professor, Nagoya University)
Eri KABIRA (Education & Research Coordinator, Rikkyo University)
Session Abstract 国際化の取組みと既存のカリキュラムを融合させるモデルとカリキュラム設計について学びます。

Workshop D <in Japanese>

Strategies for International Student Recruitment and Foreign Credential Evaluation (FCE)

Field 外国人留学生募集、渡日前入学許可、外国学歴資格評価、大学入学資格判定
Instructors Katsumi SHIRAISHI (Director General, The Asian Students Cultural Association)
Shigetoshi AKAMATSU (Senior Advisor of Admissions, School of International Liberal Studies, Waseda University)
Yuichi KONDO (Dean of Admissions, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University)
Session Abstract このセッションは、海外からの直接出願の促進など、より高等教育の国際通用性を高め、多様な国・地域から優秀な留学生を受け入れるための方策を学ぶことを目的とする。
