2020年3月12日Webinar「学修歴・資格認証(FCE)と証明書の電子化-海外における証明書電子化の最新事情-」March 12, 2020 Webinar ”International Seminar on Foreign Credential and Digital Student Portability”


English description click here!

2020年3月12日(木) 14:00-16:30 

 外国で得られた学修歴・資格の認証と証明書類の電子化をテーマとして、公開研究会を開催します。欧米・オセアニアでは、証明書類の電子化が大きく進展しており、電子的な証明書類の取扱いを標準化するための「フローニンゲン宣言」が採択されています。例えば、オーストラリアでは、証明書類を電子化し、学生、大学間で送受信するために、My eQualsというシステムが稼働しています。欧州、カナダでも証明書類の電子化が進むと同時に、複数の国の機関や団体が共同でシステム開発を進めています。

カナダ:Romesh Vadivel, Assistant Registrar and Director, Enrolment Services, McGill University
オーストラリア:Andrew Trnacek, Chief Executive Officer, Higher Ed Services (My eQuals)
スウェーデン:Erik Johansson, Senior Credential Evaluator, Department of Qualifications Recognition, Swedish Council for Higher Education, ENIC-NARIC Sweden


1) Introduction    (Shingo Ashizawa, Toyo University)
2) “Tokyo Convention and APNNIC”   (Ayaka Noda, NIAD-QE)
3) “Laying Gutenberg to Rest – An European Perspective on Digitalization and Its Impact on the Recognition of Foreign Credentials.”  (Erik Johansson)
4) “Digital credentialization in Australia and the continued development of MyeQuals”     (Andrew Trnacek) 
5) “ARUCC National Network project in Canada” (Romesh Vadivel)
6) Discussion and Wrap up

共催:一般社団法人 持続可能な国際教育推進のための研究コンソーシアム(RECSIE)

2020 Webinar ”International Seminar on Foreign Credential and Digital Student Portability”

 This seminar was originally scheduled to be held at Toyo University, but will be held as an online course (Webinar) in consideration of the situation of a novel coronavirus disease infection.

<Webinar >
14: 00-16: 30 (JST/UTC +9) Thursday, March 12, 2020
・Webinar access information will be e-mailed to registered participants by 16:00 on March 11 (JST).
・Presentations by international guest speakers will be in English. However, questions and comments will be accepted both in English and Japanese.

<Purpose of the Seminar>
 The theme of this seminar is digitalization of learning record, foreign credential evaluation, and certificates. In Europe, the United States and Oceania, digitization of certificates has been advancing greatly, and the “Groningen Declaration” has been adopted to standardize the handling of electronic certificates. For example, in Australia, a system called My eQuals is operating to digitize certificates and send and receive them between students and universities. In Europe and Canada, more certificates are being digitized, and institutions and organizations from multiple countries are jointly developing systems.
 Based on the UNESCO Asia-Pacific Regional Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications in Higher Education (known as the Tokyo Convention), which became effective in February 2018, National Information Center for Academic Recognition Japan was established on September 1, 2019 as the official national information center (NIC) in Japan. The Center provides information to facilitate recognition of qualifications in higher education. As Japan accepts international students and advanced human resources from a variety of countries, establishing systems of internationally standardized learning record and qualification recognition is an urgent issue.
 Experts from Canada, Australia, and Sweden have been invited to discuss the latest trends in digitalization of learning record and certificates as well as how those documents are recognized internationally. Please join us.

<Guest Speakers>
Canada: Romesh Vadivel, Assistant Registrar and Director, Enrolment Services, McGill University
・Australia: Andrew Trnacek, Chief Executive Officer, Higher Ed Services (My eQuals)
・Sweden: Erik Johansson, Senior Credential Evaluator, Department of Qualifications Recognition, Swedish Council for Higher Education, ENIC-NARIC Sweden

<Webinar Registration Form>

1. Introduction (Shingo Ashizawa, Toyo University)
2. “Tokyo Convention and APNNIC” (Ayaka Noda, NIAD-QE)
3. “Laying Gutenberg to Rest – A European Perspective on Digitalization and Its Impact on the Recognition of Foreign Credentials.” (Erik Johansson)
4. “Digital Credentialization in Australia and the Continued Development of MyeQuals” (Andrew Trnacek)
5. “ARUCC National Network project in Canada” (Romesh Vadivel)
6. Discussion and Wrap up

Organizer:            Toyo University FCE-GD KAKEN team (Representative: Shingo Ashizawa)
Co-organized by: Research Consortium for the Sustainable Promotion of International Education (RECSIE)
Supported by:       National Institution for Academic Degrees and Quality Enhancement of Higher Education (NIAD-QE)