Session 7「TOEFL iBT®とIELTSの受験アドバイスについて―語学要件をクリアさせるための取り組み事例―」


村山かなえ(立命館大学 国際教育推進機構 OIC国際教育センター 国際教育担当嘱託講師)
平慶彦(公益財団法人 日本英語検定協会 教育事業部 大阪事務所長)


 グッドプラクティス紹介前に、ウォームアップとして、1) TOEFL iBT®とIELTS試験の受験有無、2)TOEFL iBT®とIELTSに対する考えや自分の捉え方(学生目線か、教職員目線か等)、3)自分の所属先または担当業務におけるTOEFL iBT®とIELTSの取組状況、の3点を参加者間で意見交換した後、国内大学での正課科目と正課外活動での、TOEFL iBT®とIELTSに関する取り組みを紹介した。最後に、TOEFL iBT®やIELTSに関する正課内・正課外での取り組みのみならず、国内大学が取り組める海外留学派遣全般への実践を踏まえた課題や、海外留学の意義に関しても発表した。

Session 7: Giving Practical Advice for Taking the TOEFL iBT® and IELTS
–University efforts to get students to clear language requirements–

Kanae MURAYAMA (Ritsumeikan University)
Yoshihiko TAIRA (Eiken Foundation of Japan)

Reflection from Presenters As English proficiency tests have become more complicated and diversified, international educators are now required to change their academic advising approaches to motivate their students to study English in creative ways. In this session, presenters offered alternative ways to guide students toward new learning processes and offered methodologies for providing essential information about various tests, including type, objectives, style and score. The presenters also introduced two case studies, Ritsumeikan University and Nagoya University, to highlight good practice. The number of session participants reached 25, even though the original registration totaled only 13!
Prior to the introduction of good practices, participants exchanged information about their own experiences, including: 1) past test-taking experience of TOEFL iBT and IELTS, 2) their own ideas or perspectives about TOEFL iBT and IELTS, and 3) TOEFL iBT and IELTS administration processes at their universities. After this, the presenters introduced the two cases studies where TOEFL iBT and IELTS prep courses are taught as official academic classes. Finally, the audience learned about various ways in which the TOEFL iBT and IELTS can be used in formal and non-formal courses and about the value of those test programs as preparation for study abroad.

Throughout this session, the presenters noticed that the participants actively engaged in discussion and readily absorbed new information. Their enthusiasm is proof of how they value this session topic as a critical issue for the internationalization of Japanese universities. The audience showed keen interest in the early discussion part and put forward various points of view because many of them have worked not only in the international office, but also in the academic affairs and admissions offices at their institutions. This discussion process was a valuable take away for all the participants, including the presenters. This learning experience, we believe, will contribute to the advancement of study abroad and better administration of English language proficiency tests.